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Year 5 - University of Oxford Class

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Year 5 - University of Oxford Class

Welcome to Year 5 - University of Oxford Class.  The Class Teacher is Mr Leggatt. The Teaching Assistant is Mrs Fatima.

 Useful information

  • Our Indoor PE day is on Monday, and this half term we will be doing Athletics. You may wear plimsolls for Indoor PE as well as your normal kit!
  • Our Forest School session is on Wednesday. Please be sure to bring in the correct kit for this.
  • Homework will be given on Wednesday and this will be due in on the following Tuesday.


Spring 2 learning

In English, we will be looking at the text ‘Rose Blanche’ by Roberto Innocenti. This will give us an interesting insight into a child’s experience of World War 2.

Our Maths learning will be revisiting addition and subtraction. Children will be using formal methods to work with numbers with 4 or more digits. We will use our rounding skills to check our answers in this. After this, we will be moving onto measurement and geometry.

Our Humanities learning focuses on the continent of Africa and specific countries. We will be looking at the human and physical geography of this region of the world.

In Science, we will be looking at ‘Animals Including Humans.’ This will be looking at the life timeline of humans and how our bodies change over time.

Class Newsletters

Click here to view our Autumn 2023 Newsletter
Click here to view our End of Year Expectations