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School Meals

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School Meals

Blenheim Primary School aims to offer a choice of nutritious meals to students at lunchtime served in our school restaurant which is called “Blenheim Bistro”.  Culinera is an award-winning catering company, and is our chosen catering partner for Blenheim Primary School; Culinera are the newest and freshest independently owned, education focused caterer in the South of England. They are passionate about serving fresh, high quality and well sourced ingredients for our meals.


Click here or visit www.myculinera.co.uk/blenheimprimary for more information on menus, allergens, how to book meals and more!

Universal Infant and Universal Junior Free School Meals

Children in Reception, Years 1and 2 receive Universal Free School Meals which means you do not have to pay for their school dinner.  Years 3-6 are also entitled to Free School Meals, however, we would strongly encourage all parents who are eligible for Free School Meals, regardless of which year group their child is in, to apply for Free School Meals as the school receives extra funding which can improve your child’s learning.

Parents are welcome to provide a healthy packed lunch if they would prefer to do so. We consider a healthy packed lunch to consist of only one small biscuit or cake or low fat, low salt crisps. Please do not include any chocolate, fizzy drinks or sweets.

To find out how the school has spent its Pupil Premium funding to the benefit of the children, please visit our Pupil Premium page.