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History and Geography

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History and Geography

Geography at Blenheim Primary School:  At Blenheim Primary School, Geography aims to help our children to make sense of the world and to excite them with the idea of learning about people and places. We aim to develop our children’s curiosity about the world and the places and people within it; encouraging them to question what they learn and be passionate about the future of our world. At Blenheim, Geography starts with our local area and we provide opportunities to investigate Orpington, to give the children a sense of who they are and where they have come from. Throughout their journey through the school, children are taught and encouraged to develop the skills of geographers.

History At Blenheim Primary School: History is a representative curriculum in which our children can see themselves and learn about the past of their ancestors. This curriculum aims to changes the way that our children see the world, giving them the knowledge and skills to question events and explore different viewpoints, and encouraging their natural curiosity.